Monday, February 04, 2008


How is it that men think their wifes become their new mother. Talking about, we're suppose to cook for them, clean for them, clean their clothes, iron their clothes, hang up their things, watch the children so they can have tv/pc/game time. It's like grow the hell up. Ya grown a$$ men. Ya should be able to do for ya selves. Why we gotta be ya wife and mother. If we are also being your mothers, then you should be able to get your a$$ kick. Like a mother would do. Cause it's not fair ya want all this shyt and give nothing in return. Ya a bunch of lazy a$$es that need to get the fuKK up and do something on ya own. Why we gotta tell ya what to do. And the funny part is ya get mad. Then do it on ya own and we won't have to tell you to do it. And then don't do a half a$$ job, cause
ya know we're gonna complain.

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