Thursday, October 22, 2009

My weird world

I've come to realize no matter how much I do not want to drive in NYC, I will have to learn, I can't keep taking the bus and subway. Ppl give me the creeps. I hate ppl in my personal space or my son's personal space. Breathing on me or him. Some ppl are sick, and they cough, sneeze out in the open. And it's like wff was my mom the only one who taught their kids to cover their mouths. I hate the touch in subways and buses. It freaks me out. And if I feel the heat of their skin touching mines I wanna scream, STOP TOUCHING ME!!! I hate ppl staring at me. It's makes me freak out, paranoid as to why are they staring at me, is there something they're looking at, if so what is it. I'm sub-conscience. I'm short and shaped weird. So it bothers to have to stand/sit in a crowd. Idk why..... someday I'll find out....

Monday, October 19, 2009

What is new in 2009?

nothing really. My son was diagnose with PDD-Autism July of 2008, since then I've been trying to get him the help he needs for him to have a better future. We started off with early intervention in Dec of 2008, from then till Aug 2009 teachers came to the house to help him, with basic things, and in Sept of 2009 he started Preschool. It a school for children with autism, from preschool till 8th grade. He's learning so much and it blows my mind how fast he's learning. They have him taking a bus which I'm not OK with, but i can't take him to school everyday. He's very active, jumping, running, and now dancing. lol, he likes to sing a lot more now. Which makes me smile, cause now i can teach him new songs.
I'm trying to get back into writing, but sometimes it takes me some time. But I'm getting back to it. Maybe day by day, or week by week.