Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Some women make me so mad.

They are so many women I know doing the dumbest. And there are so many men who make me want to hurt them. The women I know have the dumbest husbands. These husbands walk around like their gods gift to women. These women need to see them for who they really are, nothing but a bunch of a-holes. Cause they are always getting hurt. And there is nothing I can do to help. I don't like to hear them cry and complain. I want them to be happy. And there are going to be some people I know who might read this and get up set. And I'm sorry. I just want you to know I love ya.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Soon to be mother in laws.

My sweetie's mom is driving me up the wall. Doing the oddest things. Like kissing chairs, mopping the wall, and a hold bunch of other stuff. This lady creeps me out. I can't wait till we get married and he moves out. She thinks that he's 14 again and she can control him. She started trying to control me. Yea ok, like I listen to anything she says. She makes me so mad. We can't watch TV, cause she sits in the living talk so loud on the phone. I just don't like her. My kids will not be hanging out in her house.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Why in the world do women have children?

I took my little sister to the park today and this lady shows up with her son. The lady was on the phone the whole time she was there. Her son was just walking around until he saw my little sister. He started following her. Then he had mucus coming out of this nose. All he did was wiping it across his face. He kept putting his fingers in his nose and wiping it everywhere. Then he was trying to touch my little sister. My little sister started ignoring me. So I wanted to take her upstairs. I started to pick her up to put her in the carriage and this little boy started screaming like I grabbed him. His mother still on the phone, ran to see and by time she got to us, he ran the other way. And she looking at me like I did something wrong. Some women should like get a license to have children.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My world

My name is Messy. And this is my world. I'm female, 24, and live here in Manhattan. I made this blog to let out some stress, boredom, just to see what it would be like. Well this is my first blog and I really didn't have any to write. I went to check out this program to help me get an apartment. They where closed down. I try to apply for a job, but all they wanted was a resume. So I'll keep trying. It's hard out in this world.