Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 done and over with already, thank goodness

Well, let start out buy saying that 2007 sucked so much. And I'm glad that it is over already.

I started 2007 in the hospital. My son had ended up with R.S.V. which sucked cause i spent 5 days in the hospital with him cause my husband had to work. I was living with my mother in law and brother in law, and that was no fun. Most of the first 6 months i really can't remember, it's probably from boredom and stress. My son hasn't gain weight the whole year he's been 18 lbs from when he was 6 months till now. He's 17 months. Now he's 19 lbs which is good. In July my husband and i threw a party at a rented hall for our son. Invited about 80 ppl and only about 25-30 ppl showed up. We wasted so much money. And it's never gonna happen again. Whoever went to the party are gonna be the only ones invited to anything else we do. Cause it's really messed up that ppl didn't show or at least called to explain why they didn't.

we lost our grandmother in March, and it's just crazy. How can someone be fine one day and not here the next. It makes no sense. I kissed her goodbye the night before. The next morning i took my son to the park, not knowing. Then i get a call. It was so hard. Cause i had to tell my mom that her mother had passed. I've been crying since. I don't know how to stop. We miss her so much.

In Nov. we got an apt which is great. so glad to be out of there. I was going crazy. And after that my husband lose some money, which sucked. But oh well. So glad that there is a new year coming I'm so tired of 2007. 2007 the year of stress and depression.

But 2008 is a better year. I will make it a better year. 2007 done and over with already.
